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Di 3 - The most important locomotive on the non-electrified railways of Norwegian State Railways (NSB)


Brief history

The famous Di 3-engines is history, at least as at NSB. The year 2000 was the last year in ordinary service. The engine became the main diesel engine class, and these engines were to replace steam engines as a result of the "Get-rid-of-the-steam"-program decided in the Norwegian parliament (Stortinget) in 1955.

The Norwegian steam engines were old and worn out after the World War II. They were expensive to use and used the fuel very badly (5-10 % efficiency). Since the 1920-ies electric traction had been the alternative to steam, but to electrify the railways was very expensive and was only profitable on railways with fairly large traffic. In 1952, the parliament decided to electrify 50 % of the railway network, which ment 80 % of the traffic. The remaining 20 % of the trains, and for the railways waiting to be electrified during the electrifcation time, NSB needed an alternative to steam. From 1954 NSB tested a General Motors diesel electric locomotive, built on licence by NoHAB, Trollhättan in Sweden. The test engine was designated by NSB as class 64, no. 2246. The engine was tested especially on the Nordland railway and was soon accepted and considered to be reliable. Five new engines (nos. 603-607) were ordered and put into service in 1957. The test engine no. 2246 was bought and given the number "602".

The same year (1957) NSB ordered eight new engines (nos. 608-615). At this time the engines were used at the Dovre line, the Nordland line and on the Gjøvik/Bergen line. Shortly afterwards, another six engines were ordered to be delivered in 1958. At that time some weak bridges on the Hamar-Otta line were replaced or strengthened such that the engines could be used on the while line between Trondheim and Hamar via Dombås. On the Rauma line (Dombås-Åndalsnes) Di 3 was put into service in the sleepers from 1958. The steam engines were used parallel with Di 3 until 1965.

The Finish State Railways (VR) originally ordered the engines nos. 622-623 and nos. 641-643, but they cancelled the order. The engines were offered to NSB who accepted. Three of these engines (nos. 641-643), were already made with four driving axles in stead of six. They were named class Di 3b (confer technical data below). The two other engines were at an earlier stage in construction and could more easily be made similar to the original Di 3-engines. Even so, these two engines (nos. 622-623) were a third variant of Di 3, but never the less called Di 3a like the previous engines. The engines were put into service in 1960.

In the end of 1960, 17 of the engines were used by Trondheim district, two had home base in Hamar running in conjunction with Trondheim engines and six engines were on the Bergen line. At the Røros line the Di 3 engines were hardly used due to some few weak bridges. In 1960, however, a new concrete bridge at Reitan was constructed and the most important obstacle for usage of heavier engines was abandoned. In February 1961 the Oslo-Gjøvik/Hønefoss lines was electrified. Thus diesel or electric engines could haul all fast trains on the Bergen line. Simultaneously the Nordland line was extended which meant increased need for engines. In February 1962 the line was finished to Bodø. Later the same year the Bergen line was electrified westwards to Ål with consequently less need for non-electric locomotives. The Røros line was often visited by Di 3 engines and from May 1964 it was used on regular basis. That year the Bergen line was completely electrified and 5-6 Di 3 engines were available for other lines. One Di 3 was however kept as pusher for the rotating snow plough at Finse and as a reserve. In 1965 the engines nos. 624-629 were delivered and that ended steam hauled fast trains on the Røros line.

In the late 1960-ies NSB electrified the Gudbrandsdal line (Hamar-Otta-Dombås) and the Dovre line (Dombås-Støren-Trondheim). In 1967 the electric trains reached Otta, and Dombås one year later. Di 3 engines could then be used on less important non-electrified lines, such as Valdres line which at the same time was strengthened for these heavier engines. Finally, in 1969, the last Di 3 engines were delivered from NoHAB (nos. 630-633) and the rest of the bigger steam engines could be redrawn. I the autumn 1970 the electrification of the Dovre line was completed. The last steam engine was taken out of regular service, namely a class 26c (2-8-0) who until then was kept with steam pressure at Hamar shed as reserve for Di 3-engines. The home railways for class Di 3 were then to be the following lines: Nordland, Meråker, Røros, Rauma, Solør and Valdres. Apart for the two last lines who experienced reduced traffic, these lines were also the home lines for Di 3 until the end in 2000.

The 35 engines of class Di 3 were almost the only choice for locomotive hauled trains on non-electrified lines until 1981 when the bigger class Di 4 was introduced, mainly in passenger trains at Nordland line. Valdres line lost their passenger trains i 1989, but the Di 3 engines continued to haul freight trains at that railway until 1993. In the 90-ies NSB wanted to replace Di 3 over some years by introducing two new classes of diesel engines: 12 engines of class Di 6 (Co-Co) and 20 engines of a smaller class Di 8 (Bo-Bo). Di 6 became, however, a catastrophe. After some try and error, all engines were returned to the producer. Di 8 engines were more successful and have now replaced Di 3 in all freight trains. Light diesel motor units (class 93) have replaced Di 3 in passenger trains at Røros line, Rauma line and Nordland line.

Last scheduled run by Di 3 for NSB was in the through trains at Røros line, 26 Dec 2000 hauled by 623 and 629:


After that date, Di 3 was used sporadic on the Nordland line until 7 Jan 2001, mostly as second engine together with a class Di 4 engine in trains 471, 472, 475 or 476 on parts on the line. 631 and 632 were use by in trains 5782 and 5704 (to Oslo). After 7 Jan 2001 it was not allowed to use Di 3 in duty for NSB.

This was however not the absolute stop for these engines. In 2005 19 of the engines were still in existence. The small railway company Ofotbanen AS bought five engines (603, 621, 623, 629 and 632). The company has later closed down. Jernbaneverket (the Norwegian National Rail Administration) has got no. 628 for maintenance use, and painted the engine yellow. In fact, NSB has kept one engine as standby engine at Finse mountain station. Norwegian Railway Museum, Hamar, has three engines, out of which two (602, 616) are in running order by the GM-group, whereas 615 is kept as spare parts engine. UN Kosovo got 619, 633, 641 and 643, and 622, 626, 630 and 631 were sold to Sicily; present status unknown.


The first "Nohab", 602, is set back to delivery look.

Pictures from the daily use

Having taken a considerably amount of photos of Norwegian trains since 1969, there have been some instances where Di 3 having occurred in front of my cameras. In the pages linked to below, I have collected almost every picture of Di 3 having a fairly good quality. It totals about 300 pictures, mostly from the period 1982-2000.

Historical facts

Everey engine is built by NoHAB (Nydquist och Holm AB), Trollhättan, Sweden on licence from General Motors.
The engines have had 3-4 various colour schemes. Gr. = green, Rbr. = red/brown B.d = "Intermediate design", e.g. the same lettering as red/brown, but without yellow stripe and with a more sharp red color. N.d = "New design", e.g. sharp red with white lettering and yellow plough. If a particular engine did not receive that colour scheme, it has got an empty white cell.
In comments column these abbreviations/words are used: NJM = Norwegian Railway Museum, M.Borg = Marienborg repair shop in Trondheim, T=Trondheim railway district, B=Bergen railway district, JBV=Jernbaneverket

Class No. Delivered Colour scheme Withdrawn NSB district Present status Comments
Gr. Rbr. B.d. N.d.
3a 602 16.10.54 2246 X X   N02.88 11.10.95 T NJM/GM Hired from NoHAB until 1.09.56. Operated by GM-group. Restored 2004 to original colour scheme.
3a 603 25.04.57 2339 X X   N86  



Put aside at M.borg since April 00

3a 604 30.04.57 2340 X X 05.83 N91 10.95 T Scrapped Put aside M.borg Oct 95. Scrapped Feb 00
3a 605 14.05.57 2341 X X   N86  senest 01.01 T TågAB El.vrm. -67, 97/98 ->JBV as no. 30-36-6005. Later sold to TÅGAB Jan 01 as spare parts engine.
3a 606 28.05.57 2342 X X 12.82 N 1.06.93 T Scrapped  
3a 607 19.06.57 2343 X X 10.82 N01.88 07.11.96 T Scrapped Put aside at M.borg 7 Nov 96, scrapped M.borg Feb 00
3a 608 14.12.57 2391 X X   N91 1997 T Scrapped Put aside M.borg 97. Scrapped Feb 00
3a 609 21.01.58 2392 X X   N86 Nov 1994 T Scrapped Scrapped Thm. 1995
3a 610 19.02.58 2393 X X   / 19.04.95 T Put aside Marienborg
3a 611 21.03.58 2394 X X   N87 1996


Scrapped Put aside M.borg autumn 96, scrapped M.borg Feb 00
3a 612 25.04.58 2395 X X   / 4.06.87 T Scrapped Withdrawn after a fire
3a 613 14.05.58 2396 X X   N87 1997 T Scrapped Put aside M.borg 1997, scrapped Jan 00
3a 614 23.05.58 2397 X X   N90 1997 T Scrapped Put aside M.borg 97, scrapped Feb 00
3a 615 26.06.58 2398 X X   N11.83 03.99


NJM Put aside March 99. Spare parts engine for NJM's other Di 3 enginges
3a 616 22.08.58 2399 X X   N10.86 1997 B ca 66: T NJM/GM Operated by GM-group
3a 617 05.09.58 2400 X X   N90 10.99 B 64: T Scrapped
3a 618 27.09.58 2401 X X   N86 1997 B 64: T Scrapped Put aside M.borg 97, scrapped Feb 00
3a 619 24.10.58 2413 X X   N11.89 latest Jan 01

B 64: T

Kosovo Jan 00 ATC, GPS. To UNMIK Kosovo Jan 01
3a 620 14.11.58 2414 X X   N 10.99 B 64: T Scrapped
3a 621 16.12.58 2415 X X   N01.84   B 64: T OBAS
3a 622 02.07.60 2419 X X   N86 2001 T Sicily
3a 623 18.08.60 2418 X X   N08.90 2001 T OBAS from 19 Nov 2001 ATC April 00, GPS
3a 624 08.04.65 2611   X   N87 1998 T Scrapped ATC, Withdrawn after accident at Bodø st 26 Nov 98, scrapped Jan 00
3a 625 14.05.65 2612   X   N04.90 01.00 T Scrapped ATC. Completely destroyed in the severe Åsta accident 4 Jan 00, scraped at Åsta Jan 00
3a 626 21.05.65 2613   X   N87   T Sicily Put aside June 00
3a 627 02.06.65 2614   X   N88 1994 T Scrapped Damaged in collision, scrapped Thm. 95
3a 628 01.07.65 2615   X   N88   T JBV ATC, GPS
3a 629 13.09.65 2616   X   N94   T OBAS ATC, GPS
3a 630 28.06.69 2749   X   N87 2001 T Sicily Put aside NSB June 00
3a 631 18.07.69 2750   X   N ca 2001 T Sicilia ATC, GPS
3a 632 04.09.69 2751   X   N05.84 2001 T OBAS ATC, GPS. Stand by engine Bergen line JBV 2001, later sold to OBAS
3a 633 16.10.69 2752   X   N90 Latest Jan 01 T Kosovo ATC, GPS, To UNMIK in Kosovo 12 Jan 01
3b 641 02.07.60 2416 X X ja N87 Latest Jan 01 T Kosovo Original 41.01 1959-60, ATC, GPS, To UNMIK in Kosovo 14 Jan 01
3b 642 02.07.60 2417 XX   N86   T NSB Orig. 41.02 1959-60, ATC, GPS. Stand by engine Bergen line
3b 643 09.12.60 2402 X X 06.82 N86 Latest Jan 01 T Kosovo Built 1958, ATC, To UNMIK in Kosovo 9 Jan 01

Technical data

  Di 3a Di3 b
Engine - numbers 1 1
Engine - type GM 567C GM 567C
Engine - power / rpm 1900 hp / 835 1900 hp / 835
Transmission type electric electric
Fuel 2,9 tons 2,9 tons
Water for car heating 3,3 tons 4,4 tons
Max speed 105 kmh 143 kmh
Adhesion weight 102 tons 70 tons
Material weight 94 tons 96 tons
Wheel arr. Co'Co' (A1A)'-(A1A)'
Length betw. buffers 18600 mm 18900 mm [1]
Largest wheel distance 14300 mm 14300 mm
Axle distance bogie 4000 mm 4000 mm
Wheel diameter 1016 mm 1016 mm
Largest axle pressure 17,4 tons 17,8 tons

1)Holds for 602, 622 and 623 as well

Di 3 - by number and design

The pictures are taken by me unless other mentioned.
That is true with all the pictures in the left column of engines in green livery. Those pictures were found in NSB's archives, later handed over to Norwegian Railway Club. Photographers and when they were photographed are unknown. Supposedly they are taken early in the 1960ies.

A cell with colour but no picture means that I have no picture of the engine with that livery. A white cell means that the engine has never had that colour scheme. I have used a colour photo if possible.

Class No. Delivered Photos in the four possible colour schemes Withdrawn NSB
Green Red/brown with stripe
("old design")
Red with "old" logo
("intermediate design")
Red with large numbers
("new design")
3a 602 16.10.54 2246 X Di 3   Di 3 11.10.95
3a 603 25.04.57 2339 X Di 3   N86  
3a 604 30.04.57 2340 X Di 3 N91 10.95
3a 605 14.05.57 2341 X Di 3   Di 3  
3a 606 28.05.57 2342 X Di 3 12.82 1.06.93
3a 607 19.06.57 2343 X Di 3 Di 3 N01.88 07.11.96
3a 608 14.12.57 2391 Di 3 Di 3   N91 1997
3a 609 21.01.58 2392 Di 3 Di 3   N86 nov. -94
3a 610 19.02.58 2393 X Di 3   / 19.04.95
3a 611 21.03.58 2394 X Di 3   Di 3 1996
3a 612 25.04.58 2395 X Di 3   / 4.06.87
3a 613 14.05.58 2396 X Di 3   Di 3 1997
3a 614 23.05.58 2397 X Di 3   N90 1997
3a 615 26.06.58 2398 X Di 3   Di 3 03.99
3a 616 22.08.58 2399 X Di 3   Di 3 1997
3a 617 05.09.58 2400 X Di 3   N 90 10.99
3a 618 27.09.58 2401 Di 3 Di 3   Di 3 1997
3a 619 24.10.58 2413 Di 3 Di 3   Di 3  
3a 620 14.11.58 2414 X Di 3   N 10.99
3a 621 16.12.58 2415 Di 3 Di 3   Di 3  
3a 622 02.07.60 2419 X Di 3   Di 3  
3a 623 18.08.60 2418 X Di 3   Di 3  
3a 624 08.04.65 2611   Di 3   Di 3 1998
3a 625 14.05.65 2612   Di 3   Di 3 2000
3a 626 21.05.65 2613   Di 3   Di 3  
3a 627 02.06.65 2614   Di 3   Di 3 1994
3a 628 01.07.65 2615   Di 3   Di 3  
3a 629 13.09.65 2616   Di 3   Di 3  
3a 630 28.06.69 2749   Di 3   Di 3  
3a 631 18.07.69 2750   Di 3   Di 3  
3a 632 04.09.69 2751   Di 3   Di 3  
3a 633 16.10.69 2752   Di 3   Di 3  
3b 641 02.07.60 2416 X Di 3 Di 3 Di 3  
3b 642 02.07.60 2417 X Di 3   Di 3  
3b 643 09.12.60 2402 X Di 3 6.82 Di 3  


Bjerke, Thor (1981): "25 etterkrigsår i Hamar distrikt" I: På Sporet nr.29 s.38-46. Norsk Jernbaneklubb, Oslo
Bjerke, Thor (1982): "Grønne og røde Nohab'er" I: På Sporet nr.35 s.58-59. Norsk Jernbaneklubb, Oslo
Næss, Ståle (1999): Di 3 - Billedboken om en loklegende. BSN Forlag. Oslo?
Pedersen, Tom Vidar (1977) : "Norske loktyper: Di 3" I: På Sporet nr.22 s.22-29. Norsk Jernbaneklubb, Oslo
Svensson, Sören (1988): "NOHABer - ute og hjemme" I: På Sporet nr.55 s.19-29. Norsk Jernbaneklubb, Oslo

Vegard Aunan, Steinar Østgård and Erland Rasten have contributed to the text.


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