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Last day with the Gardermoen model railway exhibition

Pictures taken Dec. 12th 1998

by Svein Sando

Siste start av banen 12.12.98 kl.22:07

Information Centre at Gardermoen, was closed 12th of December 1998 after three years of operation. The Information Centre closed due to opening of the airport and the railway in October. During its three years of operation, the trains have run about 15000 actual kilometres. Roughly half a million visitors are supposed to have seen the model. Visitors have been able to start seven simultaneous running trains by pushing a button. Each train would then run one 100 m long tour on the railway which lasted about 5 minutes.

The model showed four displays of the railway through four large windows: (1) Oslo Central Station, (2) Børke, between Lillestrøm and Kløfta, (3) Kløfta station and (4) Gardermoen Airport station.

On the day of closure, I took some photographs of the model which I would like to share with you. The normal lightening of the model was rather dark (blacklight and soft spotlights). To get more impression of the model, I turned on a working light in addition. The light may then look a little unbalanced, but it gave me the opportunity to drop the even worse lights from flash bulbs. A used an 100 ASA Fuji colour print film suited for indoor lights. The camera was a Konica TL from 1970 with 35mm objective.

The picture to the left in taken by Hans Erik Bjerke when I started the railways for the very last time December 12th 1998 at 22:07.

Slik publikum så banen når de kom inn i rommet

View of the model as the visitors saw it when entering the room.


Video of trains running at the railway, 28Mb, 2:41

The pictures below are arranged in four, one for each of the four windows. Every picture is taken Dec. 12th 1998, just before the deconstruction of the model took place.

Oslo S

Oslo S øsr for Nylandsveien Hovedbygning Oslo S utenfor Nylandsveien Flytogterminalen Nederst i Brynsbakken Nylandsveien i bakgrunn


Flytog og sydgående godstog ved Børke To flytog og nordgående godstog Flytog To flytog og nordgående godstog To flytog og nordgående godstog To flytog og nordgående godstog Flytog


Kløfta st med både GMB og Hovedbanen Kløfta st med både GMB og Hovedbanen Kløfta st med både GMB og Hovedbanen Kløfta st med både GMB og Hovedbanen Kløfta st med både GMB og Hovedbanen Kløfta st med både GMB og Hovedbanen Kløfta st med både GMB og Hovedbanen


To flytog på Gardermoen st To flytog på Gardermoen st Gardermoen st sett på avstand

After Dec. 12th 1998

The NSB Gardermoen Railway financed the initial construction and operation until the closure. The Gardermoen Model Railway Club was handed over the model. The purpose is to move the model to some other place in the region, as it is or rebuilt to fit in a new location. The future location is not yet known. In 2005 the club is still searching for a new location for the model.

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Sando, S. (1999/2005). Last day with the Gardermoen model railway exhibition. Downloaded 18.02.2025 from https://www.sando.co/index.php?vis=236&nid=2&eng=1

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